Your Vote is Your message about how You feel...
If you've had enough of being ignored...
If you've had enough of being lied to...
If you've had enough of being dictated to...
Then it's time to vote for the Freedom Party of Victoria's candidate for Narracan Leonie Blackwell
Leonie Blackwell
Leonie has participated in her community over many decades serving on management committees as Secretary or President including the Warragul Community House, West Gippsland Youth Housing Group, Aboriginal Reconciliation Circle, Committee for Drouin, Olympic Torch Relay Welcome, Drouin & District Bendigo Community Bank Steering Committee, Drouin Badminton Club, Drouin Recreation Reserve, and created and managed the Path of Achievement Project.
She is dedicated to supporting leadership that unifies communities. Honest, practical and realistic solutions to local, regional, state, national, and global issues. She believes a representative should be approachable and have excellent communication skills in conflict management, negotiation, and articulating ideas. Most of all they should have one allegiance and that is to YOU the constituents.
A born and bred Drouinite and having run her own business for 29 years Leonie cares deeply about the welfare of people. Her working life has demonstrated her commitment to emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. She is a published author and travelled to Jordan training and mentoring NGO and UNAWRA workers to assist refugees to eliminate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress. After running her first retreat in Ladakh, India, Leonie returned to volunteer teaching English and then food preparation for the Tibetan Nuns in Tingmosgang.
Leonie isn't looking for a career as a politician. Her motivation in standing as a candidate is to be of service to the people living in the Narracan electorate.
You have a unique opportunity
Rarely has an electorate had the opportunity to select the person they want to represent them rather than choose by allegiance to a party. The outcome of the supplementary Narracan election doesn't determine the formation of government. With less than 40 days a year spent sitting in Parliament your MP spends most of their time in the electorate helping you with issues.
Your MP for You
Assist you with issues you are experiencing from government agencies and services
Listen to the concerns of local primary industries, businesses, and community groups and work together towards solutions
Nurture the community spirit of unity, compassion, and care innate in West Gippsland
Your MP in Action
Be your spokesperson for local issues and interests with the government
Contribute to debates on state issues
Meet with local industries, businesses, and community groups to keep abreast of current and unfolding issues
Your MP as Your Voice
Examine and report on the workings of the government
Hold the government to account
Hold the Opposition to account (if you vote for me!)
Report on government overreach and mismanagement